3 Ways To Be Kind To Kitty After Spay Or Neuter Surgery

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Choosing New Pets

I have always loved animals, but when my son announced that he wanted a new pet, I had to stop and think about it for awhile. I was nervous that it would make messes throughout my house, and I wasn't sure that he was capable of looking after the animal like he should. I began thinking about how to streamline his experience, and within a few days, we had agreed on a pet we could both love: a cute little parakeet. This website is for anyone out there who is thinking about adding a pet or two to their home.


3 Ways To Be Kind To Kitty After Spay Or Neuter Surgery

11 February 2018
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

The advantages of having your cats spayed or neutered far outweigh the bad. With just this one simple surgery, your cat will likely lead a longer and healthier life, you will prevent unwanted litters that drive up the cat population, and you will even see your kitty more willing to stick around the house. While the procedures for spaying and neutering cats are some of the most basic vet procedures, it is always a good idea to be fully prepared before the surgery happens so your kitty will be fully pampered while on the mend. Here are a few things you can do to be kind to your cat after spay or neuter surgery.

Prepare to allow your cat to stay indoors for a while. 

If you normally keep your cat outdoors, it is best to make them a place inside temporarily while they recuperate from surgery. While their surgical site will be closed with stitches, it is dangerous for the cat to be outside where they could get injured tousling with another cat. Plus, the drastic cold or heat could make it a little harder for the cat to get comfortable and stay warm or cool. 

Prepare for your cat to get some extra love and attention. 

The surgery to spay and neuter a cat is not terribly hard on them, but they will be a little scared after they come home from the vet. Plus, they will likely still be a little groggy, so make sure your cat knows you are there and they are safe. Some cats spring right back after surgery and show no signs of being troubled. However, for the first little bit after surgery, your cat will need a little extra attention just so they know they have returned back home to familiar surroundings. 

Prepare your children for the arrival of the cat. 

After surgery, your cat should be handled really gently to prevent injuring the surgical site. This means that keeping kitty out of the hands of children is for the best. Furthermore, make sure your children know what has taken place and that they should not touch their pet at the incision site or sites. Sometimes, cats will come home with brightly colored stitches that will attract a little one's attention. It is best that your children know what to expect before the cat arrives home, and even then, the cat should be kept in a safely guarded place where children will always be supervised. 

Contact a pet clinic, like Cat Care Clinic, for more help.