3 Grooming Tips For New Dog Owners

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Choosing New Pets

I have always loved animals, but when my son announced that he wanted a new pet, I had to stop and think about it for awhile. I was nervous that it would make messes throughout my house, and I wasn't sure that he was capable of looking after the animal like he should. I began thinking about how to streamline his experience, and within a few days, we had agreed on a pet we could both love: a cute little parakeet. This website is for anyone out there who is thinking about adding a pet or two to their home.


3 Grooming Tips For New Dog Owners

26 February 2018
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

Owning a dog for the first time is both a source of joy and a huge responsibility. One aspect of owning a dog that shouldn't be overlooked is keeping up on grooming tasks, whether you outsource this to a pet groomer, groom your pup at home, or opt for a combination of the two. Keeping your dog well-groomed makes them more comfortable, not to mention more pleasant to be around. Here are a few grooming tips to keep in mind as a new dog owner:

Bathe Your Dog Regularly, But Not Too Often

According to experts, dogs should be bathed anywhere from once a month to every few months, or more often if they've managed to get muddy or roll around in something smelly at the park. Bathing them on a somewhat regular basis keeps their coat fresh-smelling and soft, especially if you follow up with dog conditioner. Bathing too often, however, can dry out their skin and make them itchy, so try to avoid over-bathing. 

When bathing your dog, make sure the water is a comfortable temperature. Speak to them in a gentle, soothing voice and reward them with a treat when they get out of the bathtub, so they have happy associations with bath time.

Brush Their Teeth Often

Brushing your dog's teeth is key to their overall health since bad oral hygiene can contribute to everything from bad breath and discomfort to kidney disease. Pick up a dog toothbrush that fits over your finger and dog toothpaste in a dog-approved flavor like peanut butter. Aim to brush your pup's teeth at least a few times a week, and have them professionally cleaned annually or as often as your vet recommends.

Trim Your Pup's Nails

Dogs' nails need to be trimmed regularly in order to keep them comfortable when walking. Overly long nails are painful for your dog and lead to scratched floors and snagged upholstery around your home. Be sure to buy nail clippers designed specifically for dogs and ask your vet or a groomer to show you how to clip their nails the first time. This will help you avoid cutting too close to the quick of their nails, which can cause bleeding and pain.

If these tasks sound a bit overwhelming, paying for professional pet grooming on a regular basis is the answer. Your dog will be clean, comfortable, and smell great, and you won't have to deal with the stress of clipping their nails or bathing them yourself. 

For more information on grooming, contact a company like Kayla's Posh Pets Grooming & Boutique.