Is Your Cat Getting Enough Vegetables In Their Life?

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Choosing New Pets

I have always loved animals, but when my son announced that he wanted a new pet, I had to stop and think about it for awhile. I was nervous that it would make messes throughout my house, and I wasn't sure that he was capable of looking after the animal like he should. I began thinking about how to streamline his experience, and within a few days, we had agreed on a pet we could both love: a cute little parakeet. This website is for anyone out there who is thinking about adding a pet or two to their home.


Is Your Cat Getting Enough Vegetables In Their Life?

27 February 2018
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

When you think of wild cats, you probably don't envision them munching on a rich diet of leafy greens. However, the reality is that cats in the wild—both big and little ones—do eat veggies on a regular basis. If your cat is kept indoors, it might not be getting the greens that it needs. Read on to find out why cats need veggies and what you can do to supplement your cat's intake.

Fiber Intake

All cats eat veggies in the form of grass and weeds. In the past, you've probably seen a cat chewing on a blade of grass. Kitties eat greens not for vitamins and minerals, but for the fiber that they contain. This fiber helps your cat to pass fully-formed stools, avoid having gas, and to move hairballs out of the digestive tract. Without enough fiber in your cat's life, it could end up having these problems. Thankfully, simply adding a source of fiber back into your cat's diet can help.

Grass Plants

Any good pet store has grass plants for sale these days. These plants are already growing and thriving, providing a small patch of real veggies that your cat can chew on. You can bring some plants home and place them where your cat can always access them, or you can bring them out once a day as a treat for your kitty to up their grass intake.


Another option is to add a scoop of pumpkin to your cat's food on a regular basis. Pumpkin contains lots of vitamins and minerals, as well as a decent amount of fiber.

Giving pumpkin to your cat is easy, too. Most cats have no issue with the scent or taste of pumpkin, so you can just mix it into their wet food. Try adding a few teaspoons once or twice a day. Your kitty will get a nutritional boost, and you'll get some peace of mind.

Vet-Exclusive Food

Lastly, consider talking to your veterinarian about the choices of indoor pet food they can offer you. Many pet owners never even consider buying food from their vets, but veterinarians have access to a wide variety of specialty pet foods that can only be purchased through a veterinarian or an animal hospital. This includes foods that contain more fiber to make up for the grass your kitty isn't eating outside.

Kitties need the fiber that veggies like grass provide on a regular basis. Make sure that your cat is getting adequate nutrition and the necessary fiber it needs by talking with a vet.