Helping A Pet Dealing With An Arthritic Condition

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Choosing New Pets

I have always loved animals, but when my son announced that he wanted a new pet, I had to stop and think about it for awhile. I was nervous that it would make messes throughout my house, and I wasn't sure that he was capable of looking after the animal like he should. I began thinking about how to streamline his experience, and within a few days, we had agreed on a pet we could both love: a cute little parakeet. This website is for anyone out there who is thinking about adding a pet or two to their home.


Helping A Pet Dealing With An Arthritic Condition

23 February 2021
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

Arthritis is a condition that not only affects humans but also has effects on animals. If you have a dog or cat that you suspect is dealing with an arthritic problem, finding treatment is necessary so they do not experience discomfort or pain. Here some signs indicating your pet has arthritis, how to help them deal with the problem at home, and what an animal care hospital can do to help.

Signs Indicative Of Arthritis In Pets

Arthritis is a condition that causes joints to become inflamed, leading to mild to severe pain at the site of the problem. It usually affects animals if they have experienced a prior injury to the body. It also happens when the body ages and the joints lose some of the elasticity due to normal wear and tear from movements made over the years. If your pet has this condition, you may notice that they struggle to perform actions that were easy for them to conduct in the past.

They may avoid situations where they need to run, jump, or walk quickly. They are less likely to want to engage in exercise. This can lead to obesity, which in turn, makes it even harder for the animal to get around. For this reason, having an evaluation conducted by a veterinarian is of the utmost importance if you notice your pet struggling with movements. In addition, a pet with arthritis may yelp, meow, bark, or whimper when an affected part of the body moves.

Helping A Pet With Arthritis At Home

A pet with arthritis requires a bit of extra care so the problem does not cause unnecessary discomfort. Provide tools to make actions easier for your pet. For example, invest in a food station that lifts your pet's food dish and water bowl up from floor level so it is easier to access. Instead of allowing your pet to slumber upon a couch or bed, set up their own sleeping area with a pet pillow or blanket in a warm spot upon the floor. Allow your pet extra time to get around and provide encouraging words often rather than scolding them for not moving fast enough.

What Animal Care Hospital Services Provide

Arthritis requires intervention from a professional veterinarian so a pet does not suffer. Treatment usually involves the administering of medication to reduce inflammation around the joints, giving the pet the ability to make movements without stiffness and restriction. In more severe cases, laser surgery can help rebuild deteriorated portions of joints. A veterinarian will not know the severity of a pet's condition without a physical evaluation. During this session, the vet checks the range of motion in affected areas, prescribes anti-inflammatory medication, and performs follow-up visits to determine whether the medication made a difference or if surgery is required.