Why A Cockapoo Puppy Makes A Great First Dog

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Choosing New Pets

I have always loved animals, but when my son announced that he wanted a new pet, I had to stop and think about it for awhile. I was nervous that it would make messes throughout my house, and I wasn't sure that he was capable of looking after the animal like he should. I began thinking about how to streamline his experience, and within a few days, we had agreed on a pet we could both love: a cute little parakeet. This website is for anyone out there who is thinking about adding a pet or two to their home.


Why A Cockapoo Puppy Makes A Great First Dog

7 September 2022
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

If you're thinking about bringing home your very first dog, you want to carefully consider the breed you choose. Some dog breeds are harder to train than others. Afghan hounds, beagles, and Rottweilers generally fall into this category. Some dogs are also generally harder to care for than others. As a first-time dog owner, you likely want a breed that's easy to care for, train, and be around. A cockapoo puppy, which is a cross between a poodle and a Cocker spaniel, can be a great choice. Here's why.

Cockapoos are friendly 

One of your biggest worries as a first-time dog owner is likely that your dog won't be friendly to guests or you won't know how to train your dog to accept others. With a cockapoo, you don't need to worry about this. The breed is naturally loving and accepting toward everyone. They won't become aggressive toward house guests or the mailman, and you won't have to train this nonaggression into them. It's their natural way of being.

Cockapoos don't shed much

If you've never had a pet before, having hair all over your home can be frustrating and hard to get used to. With a cockapoo, you shouldn't notice much hair. These dogs have long coats, which don't shed regularly. They do require periodic grooming and haircuts to keep their coats tidy, but that's a small price to pay for a home that's not covered in dog hair.

Cockapoos come in multiple sizes

As a first-time dog owner, you will want to make sure the dog you buy really fits your home and lifestyle, size-wise. Cockapoos come in several sizes, depending on the size of the poodle parent. Pups with standard poodle parents will be larger. Those with mini poodle parents will be medium dogs, and those with teacup poodle parents will be small. Talk to the breeder to ensure you know how large the puppy will grow up to be. If the pups are not the size you want, the breeder may be able to point you toward another cockapoo breeder with different size pups.

If you're looking for a friendly, easy-to-train dog breed for your first dog, then a cockapoo is a great choice. Visit a breeder in your local area, and meet some of their pups. You'll know quickly whether this is the right kind of dog for you.

Contact a local breeder or pet shelter to buy a cockapoo puppy